This year the Richland Soil Conservation District's annual 7th Grade Conservation Tour became part of the statewide Eco-Ed Program. Eco-Ed is an environmental learning experience provided to students developed by the Barnes County Soil Conservation District. Through a ND Department of Health grant the program is now available statewide. Our 7th Grade Conservation Tour needed only minor changes to qualify for the grant funds. Eco-Ed is a means to provide environmental information consistently throughout the state. Each of the over 300 participants received a workbook and T-shirt through the Eco-Ed Program.
Participating Schools:
Richland 44
Wetland Jeopardy was an old favorite of the students. Kristine Askerooth, Tewaukon Game Refuge also has alot of fun presenting wetland information in a game show format. The first prize candy was a big hit with the students. The beautiful weather on September 9th and 10th really made the outdoor tour a success.
Throughout the day, speakers presented information relating to forestry, wetlands, and soil types. The students also learned about different native grasses and habitats.