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The Coronation
The Homecoming candidates were:
Cleuricka Watson Che Che Heminger
Jackie Gaukler Channing Aker
Ava Meyer Hunter Dunn
Anna Lewisylee
Chase Cooper
Kiera Lawrencey David Tollefsrud
Our Homecoming festivities started on Monday, October 7th with Pajama Day. The next day was Group/Duo Day. And then came Class Wars Day. It was followed by USA Day. The last day we had the traditional Dress Up Day with colors of Vegas Gold & 'Black' .

During the Monday morning activities, last year's King & Queen, Alex Kratcha and Jana Kaczynski crowned our new King, Hunter Dunn and Queen, Jackie Gauklar. They will reign over the 2023-2024 school activities.

Friday night we played Hankinson at Wyndmere at 7:00 p.m. Both teams were really fired up. The Warbirds fought hard, and it was a very exiting game and we won with a score of 32 to 27.

The students enjoyed a dance following the end of the game.

The Crown bearers
King - Hunter & Queen - Jackie
Way To Go!