Address: Members Homes or Out-of-town Activity
Phone #: (701) 538 - 7729 President
Phone #: (701) 538 - 4001 Vice-president
Established in: 1905
Club Theme: "A past to remember - a future to mold"
Club Motto: Unity and Diversity
President: Betty Wettstein
Vice President: Evelyn Polansky
Secretary: Becky Dathe
Tresurer: Shirley Ahrens
Historian: Sandy Ohm
Corresponding Secretary: Sharon Frolek
Meeting Time: First Thursday of the month, September through May
Cost: Annual dues - $7.50
Calendar of Events: The program for each club year is available after September 1.
History: The club began in 1905 as part of the National Federated Club and still continues at the present time. However, in 1971 the club chose to leave the national organization so that the club's funds could be used for local projects. Three of the projects that the club supports on an annual basis are the Annual Honor Student Banquet, the planting of flowers in the city parks, and the donation of financial support to the city library. In addition, funds have been donated to various community projects. The club also owns pictures that are on display at the Dakota Estates and at the city library. Club membership is open to any interested community-spirited woman.